Our year smushed into 3 scrollable minutes. Our lives, documenting your lives. Phone photos & ‘real’ photos. Us + you.
2019 at a glance (in very scientific lists)
Launched: *this* killer b new website
Keo Snuggled: daily
Made: living room wood art installation // a bunch of waffles // woodland tree ornaments // pavlova (unsuccessfully) // pavlova again (successfully) // open kitchen shelves // a lot of fart jokes
New: car, juicer, niece, & nephew
Plane Rides: 22
Photographed in: Santa Barbara, California // Iceland // Atlanta, Georgia // Playa Del Carmen, Mexico // Colorado Springs, Colorado // Asheville, North Carolina // Asheville, North Carolina (again) (cantstopwontstop) // Acadia, Maine // Cumberland Gap, Tennessee // Boston, Massachusetts // DC // Virginia // Pennsylvania // Maryland // Delaware
Photos Taken: 120,538 (&& here’s 106 of those)