I knew right off the bat Dinah & Brian’s engagement session was destined to be epic when Dinah sent me coordinates for our meeting location. It just doesn’t get cooler than that. Dinah & Brian frequently kayak to this woodsy spot from their home and enjoy spending time together on the river. They brought along their two adorable pups – Waldo the blue-eyed Aussie shepherd & the small-but-mighty Finn who blazes his own trail. And of course we can’t forget our two expert designated dog wranglers Kaela & Ray who kept us moving along! We hopped along boulders, wandered through the woods, and dipped our toes in the cool water as the champagne popped. It was one lovely evening well-spent with great company. Congrats Dinah & Brian! Can’t wait to party with you next year at Starbright Farm and bring the vision alive!