Exploring an industrial playground with two cool cats like Minh & Rob really puts me in a great mood. Add to that combination newfound quarantine freedom and I’m on cloud nine. I had such a grand time hanging out with these two (& remembering how to socially interact LOL). Since no one’s out these days, we had the entire Clipper Mill area to ourselves – including EMPTY PARKING LOTS – which I’ve absolutely never seen before. It gave us a chance to get some awesome new wide angles that light me up. Capturing the love that Minh & Rob share was a treat; they so genuinely care for one another and it’s so relaxing to be around them. In fact, when I was taking photos of Minh’s (epic) engagement ring I looked up and realized I had just been sharing their picnic blanket and hanging out for a while hahaha. Now that’s something special :). Minh & Rob, I’m so thrilled you two found each other to share such a sweet love. Cheers to you!