I’ve been puuuumped to get this session up on the blog to share with you all because it entirely lit – me – up. Capturing the unique stories of the people we meet in this crazy world brings life into what we do. So when I crossed paths online with Tysee & Rick, a fearless traveling duo, I couldn’t wait to meet & photograph their love in Oahu, Hawaii. We ran up & down the most picturesque dock I’ve definitely ever seen, splashed in the crystal clear water with their surfboard, and walked along the iconic Hawaii shoreline with Jurassic Park mountains in the background. To have Tysee & Rick in front of the camera was a dreeeeam. Other than being incredibly beautiful people, they are so full of life & laughter & a love that’s carried them all over the world. These two met in Thailand, moved to Australia, traveled back through NYC where they eloped two days after Rick proposed, and now live in Oahu where they surf, hike, bike, play on palm trees, and adventure all around the island. You can catch more of their baller life together over on the ‘grams here: @marriedandabroad.
So here’s to living a life that chooses adventure over comfort, new over the same ‘ole, and choosing love over material things.