In September of 2017, Hunter & I sold a camera flash on Craigslist to a stranger. Well, here we are two years later and that stranger (we now call him Aaron) has indeed become quite a friend. In those two years we’ve crossed paths almost every Sunday at church, geeked out over photography (Aaron is an ace photojournalistic photographer himself), taken in-home photos of him & his sweet son Audie (where I used his 35mm lens because mine was being serviced LOL), shot weddings together, and gotten to know his now fiancé Jess who is a most wonderful witty & kind human. For their engagement session, we amped up the artsy-ness at the incredibly vibey old school Senator Theater in Baltimore. When photographers take photos of photographers, nothing is off-limits. So we got extra weird, goofy, and used all kinds of unique indoor lighting to push the #art. Aaron & Jess, this was an awesome day. You guys are incredibly photogenic & I’m extra amped to get artsy again with you next April at the Patapsco Female Institute! & thank u Craigslist.